Plate metal, known for its strength, corrosion resistance, and machining ease, is ideal for robust structural uses and parts fabrication, distinguished from sheet metal by its thickness.
Plate metal is renowned in various industries for its superior strength, exceptional corrosion resistance, and ease of machining. These characteristics make it an ideal choice for applications that require robust and durable components.
The ability to undergo heat treatment and welding without difficulty adds to its versatility, while its resistance to stress-induced cracking underlines its reliability in demanding conditions. However, one should note that while plate metal is strong and versatile, it has certain limitations in terms of formability. It's widely used in structural applications such as framing, base plates, gussets, and in manufacturing parts for motorcycles and automobiles.
The primary distinction between a metal plate and a metal sheet lies in their thickness. Metal is classified as a plate when it measures 1/4" (6mm) or thicker, and this thickness is usually specified in inches. In contrast, metal with a thickness less than 1/4" (6mm) falls under the sheet category, which is commonly measured in gauges.
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